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Writer's pictureWing Chang

Why is Consistency Important?

Let me ask you a question...

If a complete stranger were to give you information, would you believe him?

You never met him before, didn’t know his name or where he even came from; he was just a random person on the street.

Now, how about if you knew him for a long time, knew he was an expert in his field, that he was a reliable person, and always gave you the correct information. Would you believe him?

So, when it comes to comparing your restaurant with chain restaurants, who would be the ‘complete stranger’ and who would be the ‘reliable person’?

I think the answer is obvious – You are the complete stranger

What do you think the main difference is between independent restaurants and chain restaurants?

I believe it’s all about credit and trust.

What is trust? A quick Google search would tell you that it’s the ‘firm belief in the reliability, truth or ability of someone or something’.

The more you know a brand, the more you trust them. It’s the same with people – the more you get to know them, the more you are likely to trust them. But of course, they still need to provide consistency.

When buying a new camera, most people would go for a Canon. Why is that? Is it because other brands are unable to provide the same functions as a Canon camera? I don’t this so. Again, I believe it all comes down to credit and trust. Canon has been around since 1937. They have produced an abundance of fantastic cameras globally, and therefore they have a good track record and brand reputation. They have earned a lot of credit and trust throughout the years for what they’ve accomplished.

Here’s another question. Why do rich people get richer? It’s the same reason. If you see someone driving fancy cars, dressed in expensive suits and branded watches, the more likely you are to trust him. You are more likely to listen to him and try get closer to him, because you know he knows ‘something’ – he has an expertise, skill or ability that got him to where he is.

That’s right, packaging, image, design… they can all help build trust. That’s why some restaurants spend millions on refurbishment, and millions on marketing.

Let’s get back to our restaurant world. How can we compete with much bigger chains without having the resources they have?

We are lucky to be in the 21st century where we have the internet. The power of the internet helps us build trust with our (potential) customers. Unlike 30 years ago, where only big companies could afford to run ads on the TV and radio. Nowadays every company has the means and ability to easily broadcast and pass on their message to the public, all at a low cost and very effectively. The “Internet” - where information can last for a long time, even forever!

Social approval is the best way for us to compete with big chains. Platforms like TripAdvisor, Facebook and Instagram have practically taken over our lives and are what we turn to for all kinds of information.

What is social approval in business terms? When people try your food or dine at your restaurant, and then leave positive feedback (online) or share their great experience with their friends (offline), the chance of new customers trusting you increases.

If you’re an independent restaurant owner, before expanding your goal is to be the best in the area. You want to focus locally, unlike big chains. It is therefore important to impress the people living in the area first – the locals. Once you make them happy, they will most probably want to share their experience with their families, friends and neighbours also in the area. This is key because people will trust and believe their friends opinions as compared to yours – someone they do not have a connection with, yet.

But remember, you first need to provide the right product and consistently keep your promise with your customers.

A business is like an onion, there are many layers to it. Passing on information, which is marketing, only advocates your core value to more people.

What is a ‘core value’? It is what you produce/give to the society. Your core value is what it true to your company and customers. Simply put, it is your product, service and atmosphere of your restaurant, café or bar.

Essentially, if I hear good things about a restaurant from my friends, I am more likely to try it out, as compared to being told about it by a man on the street or even an ad online (depending on how its presented).

Can you image what your restaurant provides is totally different (in a bad way) from what I expected? This will immediately stop the social approval chain.

That is the reason why I keep telling people to have a solid core value first, before they start marketing. But remember, you must maintain this core value – it is who you are and what your restaurant embodies. And once you have built up and kept up the consistency, you are half way to success.

Your friend

Wing Chang


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